This site is intended to be a place where members of the Rickabaugh clan can gather and exchange family-oriented information - upcoming events, memories of shared times, contact information, etc. Whether you're a cousin, aunt, nephew or just close friend to a family member, come on in and share with us.
  The Rickabaugh family crest was provided Francis Rickabaugh, and was researched by the late Carl Rickabaugh. Did you know we even had a family crest? If you know any history behind the crest, won't you please send me an email?

Post your contact information Let other family members find YOU - post your name, email, phone... whatever you want to share
View contacts See who we have on the contact list!
Post your favorite family tale Do you have a great story to tell about a family trip, or you just want to share a memory from down on the farm? Keep the family history alive by posting your stories here.
Read submitted family tales See what stories have been submitted.
Share your favorite family recipes Part of a family's culture is the unique foods they enjoy. Share your heritage and submit one of those recipes handed down from long ago, or simply one of your favorites.
View recipes Can't decide what to fix for dinner? Try one of these.
View family photographs See photographs from the 2002 Rickabaugh reunion, or contribute your own family photos.

This site will grow as I have time to build new sections, and as you provide feedback and ideas. Here are some of the sections currently under consideration:

Find a family member Look here to find an individual, or to see who's living in your area these days.
Upcoming Events Planning a group camp-out or a big get-together? If your attitude is the-more-the-merrier, let us know about it!
Mailing list Are you moving, or changing your e-mail ID, and you want to let the whole family know with only one click? Send a note to the family mailing list.

What would you like to see first? What other features would interest you? Just click here to let me know what you think!

Send an e-mail to a family member to tell them about this site - just click here!